При уклонении, парировании, блокирование должно возвращать 90% затраченных силы рун на способность.
Ability misses
If a frost strike fails to hit, then you get back 90% of the runic power cost. If a death coil misses you do not.
If a rune using ability fails to hit you get the rune back. (Still need to check whether the grace period changes)
Okay. I did some testing on this and it depends on the RP dump. Deathcoil doesn't refund RP if it misses. Frost strike refunds 90% of its RP (if it misses or is dodged or parried) (Although i didn't actually test with the glyph)
0:35 сек, спам Frost Strike он будет уклонился, силы рун не потребляется.
3:13 силы рун не потребляется.